
10 December 2007

It's Christmas Time

Last Sunday I decided to finally get the tree and my decorations out. If I didn't get them out, then I probably wouldn't have. I have been soo busy with making boards, and babysitting my niece. Dakota was sooo into helping us out. I couldn't get a box open without him taking stuff out and finding a "place" for it. It was nice this year because Jassen decided to help, and also Dakota being old enough to help. We really enjoyed it. Now the front dining room is really jammed. A few of you know what I am talking about. :) It is a VERY multi-functional room right now. :)

09 December 2007

My Cousin Joy Kaye's Wedding

My cousin Joy Kaye got married on December 1st. It was a nice little wedding. She got married a little country church that she grew up going to. It was shorter than Jassen and I's wedding! After the wedding we went to the reception. We had a lot of fun. Dakota LOVED dancing with the girls. He would rather them hold him, than stand there and wiggle. :) We had a group photo of all the grandbabies and my Dad and Kathy (and Monica too). Monica had her try at the Electric Slide. I couldn't believe she didn't know the dance steps. Even I did, and I don't dance! My brother Heath had a grand time too. :) The picture of me and another girl is a girl I went to elementary school with!! Her name is Tonya Wathen. She is dating a cousin of mine. We were both excited to see eachother, and catch up. She told Jimmy (my cousin) "I used to stay the night at her house". When Kathy told me her name was Tonya I knew exactly who she was. Crazy. Needless to say we didn't get home until after 10 because it was in the Big "O". But we enjoyed it.

07 December 2007

My little niece :)

How cute is she? My niece is now over 2 months old. She is growing like a weed. She has no problem eating. ( Which is a good thing.) I have the pleasure of keeping her since Monica went back to work. Right now she is not a needy baby, and things are going great. Dakota tries to help out quite a bit. He obsessed with her pacifier. He is always saying "I feed her, I feed her." and shoves it in her mouth. She's a cutie patootie!
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