
04 June 2008

Bath Time

Friday night Monica stayed and visited for a while after she got off of work. Both kiddos needed a bath, and soo we just put them in together. McKynley is sitting soo well right now, and Dakota played nice. :)
The one picture is titled "Lil' Ms. Ewok". You know which one
I'm talking about. :)

2008 Clampitt reunion

Memorial Day weekend we had our Clampitt reunion at Ben Hawes Sate Park in Owensboro, KY. My Mammaw Carter was a Clampitt. Her two sisters and their families were there along with our families. We have this reunion every three years. We have family in Oklahoma, Kansas, Illinois, Wyoming, and a couple of other states. It is fun to see everyone, and see how much our younger cousins have grown. We have 3? sets of 5 generations in this family: Monica, Myself, and a cousin. We had a great day playing washers, cornhole, and playing on the playground.

March for Babies 2008

This years walk was a great success. With Monica, Matt, and McKynley joining us we are now "Cousins 'R' Us". We had over 40 walkers and raised over $1600!!! This is such a great event, and thanks to those who donated and shared this time with us. Love you guys!!