
24 February 2009

OK, OK Here you go

Ok, soo I know have been a slacker for quite some time. I am going to play a little bit of catch-up :) I hope you have about 15-20 to see what we have been up to.

Winter Storm 2009

I just couldn't get over the fact that we just played tennis in near 70 degree weather a couple of weeks before. The weather man said it was coming, but who knew we could actually get everything he forcasted. Living where we do we either get it or we don't and this time We Got It! Dakota and Jassen played outside one day while I worked :(, and build Dakota's first snowman. I was very sad that I wasn't there to participate. But I am sure there will be more before he leaves home. :)

Jan. 23rd- temp.- High 60's!!

Dakota and I ran some errands early in the morning. As soon as I felt how warm it was I knew I was going to go home, wake Jassen up, and go play tennis. Jassen and I were a little rusty, but Dakota jumped right in. He is always easily discouraged at anything that comes his way (kinda like it Uncle!) They first ball Jassen threw he missed and threw a fit. We convinced him to try again and he hardly missed a beat or ball I should sy. We can only hope they he grows up and has the love of tennis like we do.

Thanksgiving in Kansas
Okay- so we sold yet another car. We were trying to sell the Honda Del Sol and couldn't get rid of it. Jassen was talking to his brother one day about the car. Justin was about to have a birthday and was able to get his permit. Jim said they would buy and pay our way down if we took it down to them. I was soo excited. Jassen was too, but not looking for to the 9 (turned into 12) hour drive. We made it down and enjoyed every minute of it. The boys played all weekend. I got a little tasted of doing vinyl, Jassen and Jim enjoyed shooting the bow, Ty enjoyed the company, and Justin was too busy cleaning his car and driving it to do anything else.
We miss you guys!!

In October we had family photos done for my mom who requested a photo purse for Christmas. We found this rock fountain that had been shut down for the winter to use as a prop. Pictured in the photos are us 3, Monica, Matt, McKynley, Triana, Daryl, Logan, and Casey.

Also in October while the temps were still warm we took a trip to our remodeled zoo. The small town zoo now looks like a big city zoo. We were amazed at the new entrance way. Before they just had this little shack to pay and walk through. They added the Amazonia had lots of amazing animals we were able to see up close and move around. Our favorite is always the giraffe. One of these days I am going to get that awesome picture of him and Dakota. We fed him some grass, and he just about licked Dakota's face off. We probably spent 30 min. just with the giraffe.
Well, I hope that catches you up on what we have been up to. Talk to you soon. And don't forget to check my Kota Box blog.

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