
30 October 2007

101 Ways to Play With a Clothes Basket

Okay. We have been moving things around in our house since we took it off of the market. I bought little clothes baskets for upstairs since we don't have room for our "cart" anymore. I had taken a load downstairs, and emptied the basket. Dakota then started using his imagination. He loads his cars in it, sits in it, puts it on his head, throws it, tries to put it on Mom or Dads head, uses it as a helmet when he's riding on Dads back, and put clothes in it that have already been folded. Ohhh the possibilities are endless. Enjoy these pictures of Jassen and Dakota "horsing" around this day.

1 comment:

The Dickey Family said...

Clothesbaskets are great fun! I remember Blake and Lauren playing with them and have a couple of pic's of them in that old Whitesville house we lived in. They'd be basket heads and sit in them. The simplest things in life are so good!